Style Guide

The present Hugo theme is based on Bootstrap 4.1 and inherits its default bulletproof styling for common HTML elements.

In Hugo, content is usually created by writing Markdown. If you need a quick tutorial to get you up and running, here is the popular Markdown Cheatsheet. And below you can see how common HTML elements look like in this theme plus the corresponding Markdown formatting.

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading

You’d format lines as headings by placing the corresponding number of # symbols at the beginning.

# H1 Heading

## H2 Heading

### H3 Heading

#### H4 Heading

##### H5 Heading

###### H6 Heading


You can add regular or strong emphasis to certain words in your content.

You can add *regular* or **strong** emphasis to certain words in your content.


Organize content in either ordered or unordered lists:

  1. First ordered list item
  2. Second ordered list item
  3. Third ordered list item
  • First unordered list item
  • Second unordered list item
  • Third unordered list item
1. First ordered list item
2. Second ordered list item
3. Third ordered list item

- First unordered list item
- Second unordered list item
- Third unordered list item

Here is a link to Hugo’s Homepage.

In Markdown, you’d write it like this:

Here is a [link to Hugo's Homepage](


Image alt text

![Image alt text](fashion-1838768_1920_cut.jpg)


If you want to preserve the original formatting of a piece of content, wrap it with single (for single line) backtick characters or with triple backticks (for multiline snippets) like this:

<ul class="most-popular-tags">
    {{ $t := .Site.GetPage "/tags" }}
    {{ range first 2 $t.Data.Terms.ByCount }}
        <li>{{ . }}</li>
    {{ end }}

Syntax Highlighting

<section id="main">
    <h1 id="title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
    {{ range .Pages }}
      {{ .Render "summary"}}
    {{ end }}


Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1


Many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its fragrance on the desert air.

> Many a flower is born to blush unseen,
> And waste its fragrance on the desert air.

Horizontal Rule

Use three or more hyphens on a new line to insert a horizontal rule.


YouTube Videos

These can be added by just placing the video embed code.

Instagram embeds

About the Author

Mirna Roberts

The new intern here. Despite her limited experience in the news sphere, she is no stranger to writing, having started her career in primary school (seriously?!)

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